Freya has lost her faith in Darwin's Theory of Evolution!
"Darwin's theory of evolution does not explain how evolution could produce us; self-conscious beings caring for our own survival and that of our friends and family."
Fact: In his Theory of Evolution, Darwin contradicts himself about whether animals are machines with no feelings or really struggle for survival and care for themselves and their offspring.
Fact: Darwin's 'Origin of Species' explains how animals adapt to new environments but not how animals evolved in the first place.
Fact: Because science sees us as machines, it can only explain our experiences of consciousness and free will as illusions. This dehumanization is not just nonsense, but dangerous nonsense undermining morality and alienating science from society.
Meet Freya, Max and Orin as they argue about Darwin's Theory of Evolution, its recent developments and the failure of Darwin's Theory of Evolution to explain the origins of self-conscious human beings.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution rescued!
“My goal is to overcome science's simplistic mechanistic understanding of life and its insistence that we are machines with no purpose. For this reason, I have made this book free and open-access. Please join the other downloaders and read the book for free.” Dr. Steve Brewer, AuthorDiscover how Freya's quest for the 'Origins of Self' allows Darwin's Theory of Evolution to be rescued and to fully explain how and why we experience the world as one of beauty, duty and purpose.
Understand how the current theories of emergent evolution, complexity and the Process Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead can fully explain the evolution of self conscious human beings with free will and infinite potential.
Download a free pdf version of *The Origins of Self or order a printed or Kindle version from or
A free open access commentary containing sources and attributions underpinning the controversial ideas presented in "Origins of Self" are available from the on-line appendix.
*Note: This free open access version of "The Origins of Self" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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“I will show you fear in a handful of dust” ( T. S. Eliot: The Wasteland)
How can dust and water become a conscious living person capable of fear? The way these elements are transformed into life is sketched out, but it's our conscious minds, our intensity of being in a flood of emotions; this is the big problem that science has so far failed to explain.
Freya, a biologist, is dissatisfied with the way evolution has no explanation or role for her own self. This science undermines our humanity because it treats people as robots with any feelings of self-determination an illusion. Max explains that given the physical-chemical basis of life, this is the only possible conclusion. On the brink of accepting this unpalatable fact, she meets with Orin. Together they explore the unthinkable, that the basis of consciousness and self is present in the underlying operations of the universe.
Dr Steve Brewer, Author